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Today 600 people will be diagnosed with leprosy, more than 50 of these will be children. 

Leprosy is completely curable, if treated early. Yet, tragically many people diagnosed today will already have terrible disabilities due to late diagnosis. Over 3 million more people are living in the shadows, with undiagnosed leprosy, and every day the disease causes more damage to their bodies, lives and futures.


Could pay for one person’s leprosy recovery journey, from being found, diagnosed, treated and supported to recover, changing their life for the better



Could train 30 village doctors to recognise the symptoms of leprosy and LF, meaning people are diagnosed and treated sooner



Could pay for a counsellor for 1 year, to help people and their families affected by leprosy understand their diagnosis, giving them increased opportunity for returning to school and employment



Could pay for a surgeon to undertake 450 reconstructive surgeries in a year



Could pay for the West Delhi Referral Centre to continuing operating for one year, enabling a further 895 people with leprosy access this vital service

Will you join our fight to Beat Leprosy by Pledging now?

Please Note

Upon making a pledge, contact will be made at a later date to discuss the payment terms of the pledge.

By completing this form, you are committing to pledge and help our cause. 

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Tel: 01604 801202



10 The Stables, Caswell Park, Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 8EQ

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